Quick Start Plan

YOUR PATH -- with solid support that makes all the difference!
• Please LOGIN to your Account to view Professional Pricing. >

Welcome to the Eniva Health Qualified Professionals Team! 

You're in a fantastic position to manage your business with support from Eniva Health. As you share life-changing products, we're here to help you get the message out easily – in the way that works for you.

We'll be sharing just about everything you need to help you increase activity in your practice. It'll translate to real growth and a healthy bottom line. 

  • Tips and best practices
  • Images for Facebook, Blog posts and communications (All created/written and ready to go! – You just copy and paste into your communications.)
  • Resources containing Fact Sheets, Posters and Videos to share
  • Promotional incentives / Monthly Sales Campaigns
  • In-depth product insights and information to repurpose

          Check with your accountant about sales tax.  In Minnesota, all Eniva products except the Cooking Oil, Salad Oil, and Vibrant Water are taxed.

Make it a top priority to know and understand Eniva.  

  • “Welcome Packet” - be sure to go through everything in it and then ask questions that come up.
  • Visit www.enivaquality.com to learn more about the company and see some of the research studies.
  • Visit www.eniva.com to see the entire line of products.
  • Become a regular user of the Eniva products yourself.
    • Start by going through the Detox Kit and using the Protein & Cooking Oil.
    • Then, add in the other products.


On this website and also in a shared Google Docs folder you will have access to various marketing and training materials for each product that appears on our marketing calendar, as well as some that don’t but are consistent sellers.

--> On THIS WEBSITE: click on the RESOURCES> tab on the top navigation.

--> SHARED GOOGLE DRIVES: You can gain access to a shared Google Drive with useful resources.



For additional support, contact our dedicated Health Professionals Marketing teammate: Justin Yule. He is a guru of marketing Eniva products, and he's created a sure win monthly system.


--> Justin Yule: justiny@eniva.com

About the Eniva Campaigns

RESOURCES: Each product will have its own campaign / folder (on Google Drive). Packs will have their own folders inside the “Packs/Kits” folder.You’ll find a variety of resources including:

  • Articles
  • Posters
  • Newsletters
  • Social Media Posts
  • Graphics


MONTHLY FOCUS: You will see a separate document titled “Eniva HP Marketing Calendar for [MONTH]” that shows the monthly specials, as well as a marketing blueprint.

FLASH SALES: There is also a section titled “Flash Sales” where you will find the email newsletters / social media posts to announce the sale.

LAUNCH FOLDER: Meant to start with when you’re new to retailing Eniva, there is an Eniva Launch folder with tools and resources to help you maximize the introduction of Eniva to your customers/clients/patients.


Q&A and Staying Connected

The best place to get your questions answered quickly and stay connected with the other HPs, Justin, and the rest of the support TEAM at Eniva is through our Private Eniva Health Mastermind Group on Facebook. 

  • We post all kinds of tips, share successes and provide Q & A advice-feedback.


=> Request to join and access to this Facebook group by contacting Justin Yule: justiny@eniva.com

=> CLICK HERE or visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/383386422077778